KT Wing Drifter Flight

KT Surfing


Product Overview

With foil tracks and a center fin box for upwind perfor-mance, while riding on the surface, this board will allowÊyou to learn the wing handling and the balancing skillsÊyou need to sail back and forward while remainingÊupwind. You can then attach a foil and progress into flightÊmode, all on the same board.At 7Õ3 and 155L, this board is very stable while incor-porating our bottom cutout designs to allow for smoothÊtakeoffs and landings.ÊWe have also included front foot strap inserts for moreÊcontrol and dual handle variations for easy carryingÊoptions for either one or two people.The Wing Drifter Flight is designed for use in a school andÊlearning environment where durability and longevity areÊkey factors. This board will serve clients, friends, and allÊfamily members for many years and provide anyone whoÊhops onboard the easiest path to go from zero to hero inÊthis amazing new sport.