Duotone Sky Style


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Product Overview

The Sky Style ticks all the boxes for any ambitious winger with the desire for more than just cruising!

The Sky Style is widely known amongst ambitious wingers willing to take it further. Our R&D team has refined the previous Sky Style and weÕre offering the two larger shapes of 4Õ11Ó and 5Õ1Ó in our Vacuum Sandwich technology level.

With a higher rocker in comparison to the Sky Free, the reactions of the Sky Style models are highly responsive and intuitive through increased leverage over the pitch of your foil, making them super balanced and fun to ride from lakes to open ocean surf.

The higher nose adds extra room to load up for jumps and with its added volume, it recovers easily - also when landing jumps nose first. The recessed deck of the Sky Style makes starts and sinking the board incredibly balanced even when used in volume below the ridersÕ body weight.

Shipping Rates:

Ship to Nearest Airport: $150 (selected during online purchase)

Pickup in Store: Select during purchase process

Delivery to Home: Call us (+1 631 283 9463) for a quote